Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ember the Artist

Ember has really made improvements on her drawing skills. Her people are starting to look more like, well, people. Rather then some blog with lots of dots (those would be the eyes, of course). So, because I feel the urge to share, here is a very accurate depiction of our little family. Granted, the hair will come later...we are just excited that we have sticks arms and legs! (Down on the bottom left you can see her many E....just a few too many diagonal lines).

I have also been working with Ember on her name and the letters that make up her name. After all it is hers (her name, that is), so it is the best place to start learning letters and how to write. Here is one of the first few attempts at her whole name. She has been really hesitant up to this point on attempting that m, but I think she did a pretty good job. I did the top one, she traced over it a few times. The two below that one are all her!


Jill said...

What a wonderful artist!!!

H said...

You should have seen some of Tasha's "S"'s, what a riot. I love the circles with stick stage of drawing! We will miss those potato-head-like people when they leave!

Unknown said...

Very nice I love the tons of lines for the E I don't think 3 is enough!