Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Note to Self:

Don't threaten your kids with taking away a privilege that you want too. Because, when they don't listen, you either have to go back on your word (and they know they can always get away with not listening), or you have to keep your word (which means you are getting the privilege taken away too.)

*sigh* No one warned me about the throat throttling three's! (well, my own throat that it sounded more rhythmic - like the terrible twos.)


Matthew J. said...

Ooh... I want to know what it was so I can tease you about it later! :D

H said...

Doesn't every punishment really punish the mom?!

Unknown said...

I agree with Helena, but then again my mom felt the same way and so she just stopped grounding us and that was worse for me in the long run. So I guess the point find the punishment that doesn't hurt the mom. ... oh like no more mommy playing games lol (everyone wins here!) ha ha