Thursday, January 17, 2008

That's My Girl!

Once again today we played a game. Today we played Flipping Frogs. After about 5 games I was ready to lose my mind ready to make dinner while the kids kept playing on their own. Meaning Ember chased Jaxen's frogs around the living room as he sent them flying. All I could hear was, 'Ember, hurry get my flog!"

Anyway, that night Ember proceeded to tell her dad that she has played Flipping Frogs and she won! Jaxen was quick to throw it, "yeah, but you cheated!" Ember, not phased, smiles proudly and announces, "I cheated and I winned!". Hey, at least she was honest.

Later that night we were headed out to see my brother-in-law in his karate belt ceremony. As we try to get everyone ready Shaun says, "If you don't have your shoes on your aren't going!" I looked at Owen, and then at the kids, and said, "It looks like Owen doesn't get to go, he doesn't have his shoes on.". Ember, with a look of horror on her face, exclaims, "On no, Owen can't stay here by himself a'cause he will get scared. And then, a police officer will come to our house and took him away because no one is home with him." Put the fear of CPS into them early.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

lol Ember is a hoot! I'm still laughing I love the wrong language that kids have. Again tell Shaun he cant threaten anything that he cant mean for all the kids. lol