Friday, December 28, 2007

They'll laugh at you...

I took a shower with the kids today, trying to get ready to go up north. As we are getting dressed, this is in the conversation.

J: Mom, why do you were that?

M: What? My bra?

J: Yeah, why?

E: So people don't look at her mi-mi's.

J: Why don't you want people to look at your mi-mi's?

E: (matter of fact, of course) Because they will laugh at them.

*pout* What do you say to that?!

Afterwards, as I am making lunch, the kids come in with ice cream cones (pretend ones) and are "licking them" like crazy. I look over and say:

M: Don't eat too much ice cream or you won't eat lunch.

J: (looking at me like I am stupid) Mom, we are just 'attending. We are doing something called using our 'magination, it's not real ice cream, mom.

I tell you kids are so literal it's funny sometimes.


Unknown said...

I can actually picture him saying that...maybe I can picture Jacob...hmmm...Kids are so funny!

Rick said...

I'm going back through the visitors that I've had on my blog to invite them to a little give-away that I am having. No gmicks, just my way of celebrating one year of blogging. Please come over and sign up.