So, up until this point in our little lives (the kids that is) there have been no real questions about Santa or any other aspect of Christmas for that matter. But, something has been triggered in Jaxen's brain and the questions are coming outta the woodwork. Now, the answers took a minute to come up with (hadn't really thought about it before). So read up, and memorize so you know what to tell your kids when they ask.
Q. How does Santa know who to bring presents too? How does he know who is good and who is bad?
A. Heavenly Father and Santa go way back. They know each other really good. And because Heavenly Father knows if you are being good and telling the truth etc, he tells Santa who is on the naughty list and who is on the nice list. (And he is watching you all the time, so he really knows!)
Now, this has worked great in getting Jaxen to fess up to some fibs he has told lately. I just say, Heavenly Father knows if you are choosing the left and he is going to talk to Santa. Works like a charm. Too bad I couldn't use it all year! Well, I guess Heavenly Father and the Easter Bunny could go way back too....who else does he know?!
Q. How will Santa get into our house, we don't have a thing on our roof (chimney of course)!
A. Santa has a magic key that can open up any lock so he can bring presents to everyone, even those who don't have chimneys.
Q. He doesn't bring bad guys presents, huh mom?
A. Nope, the bad guys don't get presents. NOTE: This question is different than kids who are naughty, this is referring to bad guys like robbers, etc. Maybe they get coal, but I think they are soo bad they don't even get that!
My nephew had asked the same questions to my SIL...and her answers were the same! Great minds think alike and "validated" our answers to the kids.
9 years ago
We came up with great answers!
Love you!
I will have to use those more often. I really don't get questions like that anymore. I think Chase has filled Jacob in and Savannah just goes along for the ride. The girls mom told them that Santa has a mini elf named Keyhole and can fit into any key hole Santa needs to.
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