The baby celebration is over and I think it was a rather big hit. I made way to much dessert, but now Shaun can be the cool guy at work who brings in stuff to share with his deprived co-workers.
We had 19 lovely ladies in my house last night. We started at 7 and ended close to 10. It was casual and very fun, but on that note, I will not be doing it again anytime soon. Jaylee asked me to, but since her kids are always 5 years apart, I have time to change my mind.
I wanted to take picture of the desserts so you could see how they turned out...but my camera died after taking two pictures. Hmm, and it isn't the kind of camera where I can grab two triple A's and call it good. It takes some sort of specialty battery. I guess I should have read the fine print on the box.
All I know is I did my part to help all those who attended gain two pounds that they can blame on me for a while.
9 years ago
Jealous, jealous, suuuuper jealous! I'm glad you had such a great time, and I wish I could have helped you eat a bit of sweets :)
The doctor said I gained 5, where last week I gained none so you added a lot for me. Very Yum Yum though I still am craving more sweets now.
Yes, you did it. And a fine job you did. Fabulous and yummy, especially the real cream cheese in the cheesecake.
Not only were the treats amazing but I loved your shelves also for your food storage.
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