Monday, March 17, 2008

We thought about renting out a room...

Sadly, I had to kick our roommate out, seeing as how I didn't get a deposit or signed contract.

Long story short, as I was pulling into the drive from dropping of Jaxen at school I noticed a bird hovering by the side of our laundry room. After I got out of the van it abruptly flew away. I went over to investigate. I saw a hole but thought, nah, that goes right into the laundry room right? It wouldn't want to build in there..but the "evidence" was overwhelming.


The hole

Curious, I go and check. I move over some blankets stored plastic covers to take look at where the hole would be. What do you know?! Lo and behold there is the "starts" of a nest. I guess the blankets stacked made a cozy wall and the nest wasn't directly visable.

I wanted to take a picture of the bird, but it when it came back a little later to keep building it looked a little bothered that I had closed up the hole, and didn't stay long for a photo shot. It was a pretty bird, black with green hues.

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