Ok, no really. I have a problem. Apparently Jaxen is being "aggressive" at school. I thought it might be adjusting to Owen being home, but we don't have problems here, and the problems at school just started. So, not sure what to do. He has been getting up earlier lately because he says his bed is too cold. Maybe he is just tired?
We are going to try grounding him from video games (he doesn't play that much anyway) and movies that aren't rated G (before you call all crazy, we mean like Spiderman and Transformers, not rated R movies, movies that we have allowed him to watch before, but that have fighting in them.) Shaunton will talk to his teacher each day as he picks him up, if he hit or did anything else aggressive, he is going to have to take a nap when he gets home after lunch.
He will be grounded from said items for one week, if he hits or something during that time, it starts all over at a week.
I really don't know what else to do, or where this is stemming from. Hopefully things start to setting down and he is that same fun loving little boy we know and love.
9 years ago
It might be from the new baby. We have found making a good boy chart works for us. When they are good they get stickers. Once they fill up each row they get a different reward from ice cream to a trip to the zoo. We have included teachers in this by sending home a smiley or frowny face for how they did that day. Every time they do something good, follow directions or behave they get a sticker. It has been working like a charm.
Our ticket system is similar and I have been trying to look for good behavior to reward him more often. He has something similar coming home from school each day too.
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