Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bedroom issues

My bed is overrun. We have a queen sized bed, and seven nights out of the week it seems too small. Why is this? Could it be the overfed healthy baby wedged between a toss and turn mom and a "roll over, you're snoring" dad? Could it be the hair in your face from a daughter who insists on wearing it down, and sleeping practically face to face with you? Could it be your toddler, who has finally (yes, it's a sad day) figured out how to climb out of his crib and crawl into bed with you? I knew this day would come, but I didn't know it would be so hard.

Last night, Owen came into our room. Not sure of the time. Just knew it was still dark and I was still in the boob-in-face stance with the baby. Seems like he won't sleep unless it is right there, you know for when he rolls over and decides to have a midnight snack, and a 3 AM snack, and get the picture.


Owen is now in my bed. I am sandwiched between two boys...not counting the dad taking up his half undisputed. Hair is everywhere.

A little while later. (Once again, I am assuming here.) I hear a THUMP. A whimper. SILENCE. Hmmm, okay, still sleeping.

I wake up a little later and notice Owen on the floor. In a that-can't-be-comfortable sleeping position. Snoozing away. Hmm. At least he landed on a nice fluffy pillow. Guess he can sleep anywhere.

Tight squeeze. Notice the empty crib?

NTS: Son can climb out of crib. Not so good on edges of bed without guardrail.


proud parents said...

We're just laughing so hard over here, and at the same time wanting to wrap our arms around that poor boy. Man, and I thought I had some space issues!

H said...

That's what our crib looks like all but about 2 hours of the night. It's been a while, but Tasha used to lay at the foot of our bed like a little puppy. (are you crying for her a little?!)
And WHY OH WHY is it that our husbands get to keep their half of the bed, while we share ours with whomever shows up, no matter how many there are?!