Thursday, May 22, 2008

Jaxen's been tagged

OK, enough dragging my feet. Tasha has tagged Jaxen and would like to know 11 things about him, besides his obvious good looks and charming personality. Don't know if I can come up with 11 things that are "interesting" about him, but I will try.

1. Jaxen has really good balance. He started walking at nine months, and could "walk the snake" before he turned one. For those who don't get the reference, there is a snake fixture at Fiesta Mall. He could walk that thing over and over again (see #4).

2. Jaxen is a perfectionist. Not sure where he gets that from, but it has it's perks and drawbacks. He has to finish a project, and it can't contain errors, at least not any that he notices, or he gets upset and wants to start over.

3. Jaxen is very photogenic. He was posing for the camera before since birth. I have a really hard time picking out pictures when we have them done because they all look so good! He has even done some print work.

4. Jaxen is focused. He can sit and play Legos for hours. He has been able to build 25 piece puzzles since he was two. He is very analytical like that.

5. Jaxen is an artist. His pictures have more detail than most 5 year-olds. You can look at his artwork and know exactly, most of the time anyway, what he is drawing without having to ask for an interpretation.

6. Jaxen is very agile. He was the only one in his class that could get all the way across the monkey bars, as well as swing his legs up to sit on top.

7. Jaxen is a risk taker. He is willing to try everything. Seriously, if someone told him to jump of a bridge, he just might. He does stunts on the trampoline that freak me out.

8. Jaxen is confident. It is few and far between that Jaxen ever seems to doubt himself. He knows he can do just about anything he sets his mind to, and then goes out and does it.

9. Jaxen is athletic. He is really good and soccer, and is picking up t-ball quite quickly...even if he is the shortest on the team...he is the cutest...unless he is on a team with his sister, and then it is a tie.

10. Jaxen loves hot dogs and peanut butter and honey sandwiches. He would eat them every day (not together) if I let him. Although, he does tell his sister not to eat PB and J every day because it will "waste bread". He can eat and eat and eat and still be hungry...and skinny. Hmm, yet another trait that I haven't quite placed where he got it from.

11. When Jaxen grows up he wants to be a nurse so he can help people. He wants to take care of babies because they are fun to play with.

There you have it. 11 things about Jaxen that you may (or may not) have known. Next time someone tags me (or my son) I would prefer a list of 5, I'll even go for 7, but not 11. I tag Zach, because, frankly, if I did it, then I think Jill should have to too! :P


H said...

Very nice. Thank you for the insite...

Jill said...

stinker! Sounds like you have a well rounded boy there.