Jason Hopkins has a friend at work who raises chickens, and she asked him if he wanted any, and he in turn asked us. So, I guess the timing was right.
I think all of us with chickens are going to have to trade eggs for eggs, apparently we have the rainbow assortment of colors between us.
So, here they are. They are nameless. No, there will not be a contest to name them. We are waiting to gain a better perspective on their personalities. Although, given the opportunity to name them now we would have Chicken Little and Sparkles. I'll let you guess who volunteered which name. Right now, neither one of them is little and neither one sparkles. So, we wait.
I was going to suggest:
If any of you who are fortunate to have homes, and yards, and connections, and understanding husbands would like to trade for non-egg items with some of us who might not be so lucky?
I can offer fresh, organic, home-canned goods or homemade bread--your choice.
Unless you would rather do a quid pro quo of man hours? A service of housekeeping or babysitting rendered for the equivalent of harvesting a dozen eggs?
Wow Chickens ... such bitters ha ha ha ha ha *evil laugh*
I like the black colors though. Can you tell them apart now I still cant tell yours apart but you spend more time with them than I do.
Ya if ours are green or blue we should trade and see id brown taste better.
WHAT?!?! We can name your child but not your chickens?! Where are your priorities woman? This makes me laugh.
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