The real update is that there is no baby yet. But here are the details.
My doctor is willing to let me VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) if I go into labor on my own. As you can see, apparently my body has other plans. This comes as no surprise seeing as how two of the three children I have now were induced at 42 weeks.
BUT, if I don't go into labor on my own before 42 weeks, they will not induce, I will have to have a c-section. This is because the medicines they use to induce could cause my uterus to rupture. I guess the fake stuff is a lot more different than what your body produces.
So, here is to hoping that this child of mine, can be the first to come naturally on his own. No induction, no c-section, just plain old natural painful (yet not as painful as with Pitocin) labor. Send me your labor vibes.
I have tried everything (you really don't want all the details do you?) to get this baby of mine moving on out.
I bought Castor Oil...but have been too chicken to use it...I will probably get desperate enough as the weekend approaches.
I had the doctor strip my membranes the last two times I have gone in...and even called today to schedule a last minute stripping for Monday. Anything to avoid a c-section.
I even walked the zoo today for 5 hours in the heat...with three kids...did I mention the heat???
My c-section is scheduled for July 15th at 10:30 am. (Which will put me at 42 weeks and 1 day.)
Hey, I knew he was going to be a July baby...just not mid-July. Now I will have baby birthdays in May (5th), June (12th), July (TBD) and August (3rd). (Their birthdays should have been April, May, June and November, but what is a few weeks/months?)
9 years ago
Wow! I feel for you! Hang, (or rather, DON'T!) in there!
I'll do more than vibes (as apparently my girl vibes didn't work)--I'll pray.
Oh Monique! Good luck and I"ll pray that your lil big foot will get the heck out! I took castor oil and it sure did the trick for me, but it was CRAZY diahrea (I never know how to spell that) at first. But it was like all that bowel moving got EVERYTHING moving down there and out she came! My midwife swears that the key is to eat a large pasta meal a couple hours before so that there is something to move through you and then take up to two ounces of the "good stuff" i.e. the most disgusting oil ever. (she suggests mixing it in citrus juice to make it the most palatable but it was still disgusting). I must tell you, even tho it worked and I have no regrets - two ounces is HARD CORE and hard on the bottom and I don't know if I'd take that much again. Maybe she would've come anyway with 1 ounce???? :) Can't wait to hear your story and see your baby. I always love reading your blog, you are such a good writer!
I've done castor oil, too. I can't claim it sent me into labor (although labor did kick in pretty fast once my water was broken so maybe it prepped me) but I can totally attest to the diahrea. Don't take it right before you go to bed or that's going to be one sleepless night and you'll be in no mood for pushing out a baby!
No good advice here. Asher was 10 days over due, so I feel your pain.
Geez Mo, I'm feelin' for you here. I have absolutely no tricks to tell you. I have this absurd theory that my kids didn't come out until I got that last thing finished... I finished Kyra's baby blanket the night before I went into labor and we had our kitchen counter installed 5 hours before Tasha was born. Unfortunately, knowing you, all your projects were finished months ago. Maybe the baby is just wanting you to get to see the Harry Potter movie at midnight on the 14th, then, as you leave the theatre, your water will burst and you'll go into natural labor the day your csection is scheduled. How does that sound?!
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