Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's a...


Not much of a surprise there, LOL. I guess my dates were off too. I am only about 14 weeks and 4 days. The tech was 95% sure it was a boy, we go back in 4 weeks to do another check up on baby. They will do a few more ultrasounds (2 to be exact) to make sure things look OK. One at 18 weeks and one around 26-27. Just a precaution because of all that happened with Owen. Oh, in case you were wondering, things looked wonderful right now. Everything looked as it should...except that extra appendage. ; ) I have come to the conclusion I was meant to have all this testosterone in my house.

I looked back at my calendar, and apparently I thought my last cycle was August 29, when it really was September 29. Oops. Apparently I hastily looked at the tab on the left (which said August) instead of the tab on the right, which was the right month. *blush* That is what put me so much smaller than anticipated, but at least we know that things are looking right on target for where they should be!

Works out better anyway. Each kid will have their own birthday month. Our new due date is July 3rd. Which means this kid will probably make an appearance around July 17
th give or take a day. Hopefully I can go into labor on my own and not be induced at 42 weeks.


Jaylee Draney said...

Congrats Monique.

Jill said...

Congratulations!!! We are so excited for you. Hope you and baby continue to well. I know you wanted a girl but boys are way easy and a lot less dramatic. Kewl!!!

H said...

Congrats? Sorry about the testosterone, but estrogen might really be worse in the long run.

Unknown said...

He he he.... you know what they say about a pregnant mind... um ... I cant remember... ha ha ha That works for me gives me an extra month anyway. whoo hoo!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you. I know you wanted a girl but hey, the Lord needs great Priesthood leadership too. Just think... You have that one solved. Let me know if I can help you out in anyway.