Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Owen's thoughts:
Sitting at the table waiting for breakfast. "Jaxen, come and get it. Ding, ding, ding!" (I say this sometimes at dinner.)
Comes into the bathroom with a sword down his shirt. "Look Mom, I am a Nephi. I have a sword."
His new favorite word is "cool"...in a drawn out way.
He has started sleeping in his own bed, instead of Jaxen's....of his own free will and choice.

Kaysen thoughts actions:
Can sign please, more, eat, and thank you. All the important words. If he is really up to it, he will pat his diaper to show he needs to be changed.
Likes to throw food.
Doesn't like bathing, which does not go well with statement above.
Likes to take my hand and guide me to the bed so he can nurse.
Doesn't like when I don't always nurse him, even if he is super cute about it.
Eats more than my 3 year old.
Likes to shoot webs and pretend guns at you.
Can play dead. (Like you pretend shoot him and he keels over.)
Plays very rough.
Likes to pull on facial hair...no one in our house grows any. Sorry Grandpa! He still loves you!
Has a select few that he will grin and run to and cries when they (or we) leave them.

Ember thoughts:
Excited to move up to the blue reading group. This is a step above the group she was in. She was in the middle group before.
Thinks I should take my rings off before I get in the shower so they don't fall off.
Likes to wash the walls in the shower when she is done.
Likes to play outside with her brother and make up new games.
Falls asleep very quick at night. First one out and last one up.
Only likes cereal for breakfast. Nothing more, nothing less. Try her.

Jaxen thoughts:
Lately, likes to throw tantrums when he doesn't get his way...and seems surprised when he doesn't get his way after the tantrum.
Can sit on the bowl for one and a half hours reading...and maybe using the restroom every thirty minutes or so.
Likes to play board games.
Signed up to play flag football at school because he figured he already knows how to play chess and could probably get better at football. Dad was proud.
Likes to pulverize boxes with sticks. Better than pulverizing his brothers or sister.
Would eat breath and live computer or video games if we let him. But we don't. He keeps asking and we keep saying no. It doesn't sink in. Then we are back at statement number one.

I have been thinking a lot about my kids lately and about being a parent. Sometimes you stand back and take an inventory of your life and realize that it moves so quickly and it seems like you don't have time to take it all in. Not enough time to talk and ask and live and grow. It seems you can think of all the good things to say or ask after the kids have gone to bed. You make a mental note to bring it up the next day and the night washes it away. You wake up thinking about getting ready to do it all again. You fall in bed thinking, most days, that you did a crappy job or that you could have done a heck of a lot better. I will do better tomorrow drags on doesn't it? Oh, how I love to look in on my sleeping little ones and see how their faces have changed. Bigger. Older. Learning. So eager to soak up the world around them. Not having the filters to know what not to soak up. Thinking you have so much to teach them. Watching them fly a kite. Watching them laugh. Watching them enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Makes the whole Plan seems so simple. Live life. Enjoy it. Share it. Grow. Like they say, enjoy the journey!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this! I miss you guys so much and this helps...a little. I think its an age thing with Jaxen cuz Jacob does it too. Jeremiah likes to be Harry Potter now he went from Buzz (forever) to spiderman (like a week)to Harry Potter. He carries a pencil around and waves it and (kinda)says spells. Gilli likes to "help Jeremiah with everything until he says "STOP!!" LOL He says it a lot! Savannah throws fits all the time too and thinks she can go play outside even thought she still didnt clean her room. lol ya right! Chase is well still the same Chase. oh well. lol