Shaun did not pass the P.E. exam. We are sad, but we have learned a few things from this experience. It also helps that his work covers the cost of the test. It would have been nice to pass the first time, but alas, it was not to be. :(
Owen is not walking. I swore he would be a walking baby by Christmas. He is still a little scared-e cat who will only walk to one parent from another and only if it is within 6 walking steps. Falling forward into your arms is optional. He won't crawl forever.
I got a food saver for Christmas so I can start planning more for the end of the world! ;) Thanks Mom!
OK, I think that is all the updates for now.
9 years ago
Well, now we know that Shaun isn't perfect. There had to be something to keep him humble or else his head wouldn't fit through the door.
Funny how kids have minds of their own. How exactly did YOU set HIS goal of walking by Christmas?! Just wondering...
It's sad that Shaun didn't pass, but at least now he knows what he's up against. So that way, the next time he should pass without any problems.
Have Jaxen & Ember runnin around Owen, so he can watch how fast they get to do things because of them walkin. Eventually he'll want to follow. Lord help you when he does start runnin around lol.
Better luck next time? Hope it works out for the best.
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