Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The time has come...

to clean out the deep freezer. The breast milk has been in there for over a year, and alas, it is time to say goodbye so as to make room for the beautiful ham I just bought on sale.

Removing the breast milk effectively cleared 1/4 of my deep freezer (maybe a little more). I cleaned out 447 ounces this time. Which is roughly 3 1/2 gallons of breast milk . I don't know what that brings my grand total to now, but it is a lot.

Now, the questions is, is breast milk compostable? or do I just toss it in the trash?

eta: I went back and added up all the milk I have had to toss. *Drumroll please*


12 gallons!


proud parents said...

It would've been amazing to donate it. I wish I could store up that much milk! Next time around, I'm going to try to and then donate it to www.hmbana.org or www.breastmilkproject.org. They have such a need, I think it would be miraculous to help out in such an intimate and particularly special way.

H said...

12 gallons at $3/gallon would be $36, but I imagine that breast milk would go for a bit more. Don't ya think?

Crystal said...

Wow, that is a lot of milk. Unfortunately it is not compostable. It will attrack cats, dogs, and worst of all roaches. Unless you donate it to a milk bank (which is really hard to do and you have to pay a lot to ship it to them) you have to just dump it.

Liz said...

Dang, that's a lot of milk! I don't think I'll ever have that much milk because it hurts to pump. I have 7 oz and I think that's all I will ever have.

Unknown said...

wow you really are a cow...I mean a milk machine. Just think if they do make ice cream out of breast milk you could make a ton of money!