CUTE: Your baby taking the scrambled egg caked spatula out of the dishwasher while your loading and bolt down the hall giggling like he just pulled the biggest prank. Silly baby.
CRINGE: Your baby taking a pancake cutting steak knife out of the dishwasher while your loading and bolting down the hall giggling like he just pulled the biggest prank...and then falling.Yeap, got that gut feeling?....I still have it when I think about it. *shudder* (He was fine, but started crying after I gave him a few words to think about!)
CUTE: Your baby observing and wanting to help you clean.
CRINGE: Your baby observing (earlier) and "helping" you clean the toilet...with the toilet bowl brush...while you are in the other room (that's why it is quiet)... when someone forgot to flush. How would you like to clean up THAT puddle. Good news....he seemed to have the idea down...
So... I guess this disqualifies me from winning Parent of the Year?